Internet of things is a system of interrelated computing device, mechanical and digital machines, object, animal or people , animal or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human or human to computer interaction. Data speed in 4G id 60 Mbps and data speed in 5G is 700 Mbps.

Things : A things, In the context of the Internet of things (IOT), is an entity or physical object that has a unique identifier, an embedded system and the ability to transfer data over a network. thing can be part of domestic, process or  manufacturing area like smart TV, PLC, CNC machine etc.
                              IoT evolved from machine to machine (M2M) communication, i.e, machine connection to each other  vai a network without human interaction. M2M refers to connecting a devices to cloud, managing it and collecting data taking M2M to the next level, IoT is a sensor network of billions of smart devices that connect people, system and other application to collect and share data. As its foundation, M2M offers the connectivity that enable IoT.
                                           The IoT is also a natural extension of  SCADA (supervisory control and that acquisition), a category  of software application program for process control, the gathering of data in real time from remote locations to control equipment and condition. SCADA  systems include hardware and software components. the hardware gather and feeds data into a computer that has SCADA software installed, where it is them processed it in a timely manner. The evolution of SCADA is such that late- generation SCADA system developed into first generation IoT systems.

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